Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Valley

I approached with hesitation, fear in my steps and mind. I did not want to go through the valley, but I knew it was inevitable. I had seen the chasm from afar and tried to alter my course. I read the Word, turned up my Christian music to drown out the undesirable thoughts. When none of that worked, I warned my husband of what was ahead. I sought prayer support from my sisters in Christ. Though I examined the path that led me to this place in an attempt to find an alternative course, it was too late. I had already arrived.

Since I have traveled through the valley many times, I knew with God’s help I would arrive at the other side, yet I feared the journey. The pain seemed unbearable and the hurt undesirable. And of course there was uncertainty of how long this journey would take. My strength depleted from trying to escape the crossing, I surrendered myself and the situation to God.

Slowly, very slowly, peace filled my soul. As I began to inhale again, thanking God for this unexpected serenity, He brought Psalm 23 to mind. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23:4). I nodded in agreement with David. Yes, I know what it’s like to walk through that valley. Reality is clouded and my life feels threatened. But the rest of the verse came to me, gently convicting me. “I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” I knew God would get me through it, but I had forgotten He was with me. He wasn’t waiting at the end, or cheering me on from afar. He was beside me, holding my hand. What did I have to fear?

Synonyms for death include end, ruin, downfall, demise. Have you ever faced a valley of death? Perhaps when you found out the company was folding and your job was no more? Maybe when a loved one called with news of a horrible illness, or perhaps the moment the doctor delivered bad news. Do you feel your lungs tightening daily as you open your mailbox or when the phone rings and you choose not to answer it, knowing you have no money for the bills that need to be paid? God doesn’t promise that our situations won’t be hard, or even that we won’t hurt. His promise is to be with us, in all circumstances. Only when we focus on Him will fear be cast out.
I know another gorge is in my future. The time and duration is unknown to me. My certainty is that my Father will be my shepherd, guiding me all the way. My focus needs to be on Him, not on the evil around me.

“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6)

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