Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Gift for Jesus

There is one gift that sits beneath our tree...our gift to Jesus. This year on Christmas Eve as a family we read the Christmas Story from the Bible. As Jeff finished reading the scriptures, I talked to the kids about how Jesus is our special gift from God and how we thought every Christmas we could think of a gift to give back to Jesus. Maybe it would be a bad habit we want to change or a good habit we want to start, but something that would show Jesus and others our love.

On small slips of paper we wrote what we wanted to give to God to glorify Him and placed them in a decorated box. Then our 8 year old Noah prayed, dedicating the box to the Lord. When all the presents were gone on Christmas Day, we placed our gift beneath the tree. It will be packed away with the Christmas decoration and brought out next year, when we will open it to see how we did and decide on a new gift to give.

Today Becca shared her game in the car with Noah to honor him and I walked out of the little girl's room without yelling when frustration overcome me at bedtime and returned when she was ready for bed. Noah was not quite as successful. He needed a reminded when he annoyed his sister; however, he ended the night by telling Becca he loved her. Sometimes we forget that small steps will get us to our destination, we just need to remember to take these steps every day.

This year we aren't dedicating our lives to be missionaries in a far off land, but desiring to give more to our own family. I do believe it's a gift that would make Jesus happy.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for Christmas. I am going to pass it on.
